Health care and support services for 12-25 year olds
Conveniently located in Canberra city centre
Call (02) 6232 2423
Providing primary health care for young people
Appointments available with GPs and nurse practitioners
The Junction staff work as part of a multi-disciplinary team to deliver holistic care. The team includes GPs, nurses, youth workers and our receptionist to help support young people. Services include smoking cessation support, sexual education and STI management, baby and early childhood health checks, mental health care, antenatal shared care and health education.
Our experienced GPs offer full primary care services in a well-equipped practice and have additional specialist skills in mental health, drug and alcohol assessments and reproductive healthcare.
To make an appointment, please call us on (02) 6232 2423.
Our opening hours are 9.30am - 5.00pm Monday - Friday.
To make healthcare and support services even more accessible, The Junction is also mobile! The Junction Youth Outreach Van goes out weekly to support anyone who might struggle to make it all the way into the City for an appointment. The Van is staffed by a Doctor and a Nurse or Youth Worker. No appointments needed and new patients are welcome, just turn up during our hours.
The Van Schedule
Alternate Wednesdays 12.30pm-4.30pm
PCYC Erindale, 17 Grattan Court, WANNIASSA
Monthly on Wednesdays 2:00pm-4:00pm
Gunner’s Place, 8 Gribble Street, GUNGAHLIN
To find out where the Junction Van will be next, phone us on 02 6232 2423!
Appointments are bulk-billed, at no cost to the patient.
Providing support for young people
Assisting young people with emergency food relief, housing and more.
During the Junction’s opening hours there is always a youth worker available for young people to see for support about any issue.
Our friendly youth workers can help with emergency food relief, Centrelink applications, housing, budgeting, advocacy, applying for a Medicare Card, job applications, getting a birth certificate or filling out paperwork.
Our youth workers can also provide outreach assistance organising transport for young people to and from their healthcare appointments, and supporting them to access other services like Centrelink and ACT Housing.