Anglicare Celebrates National Reconciliation Week

Community News


More than 40 staff and clients attended Anglicare’s Morning Tea for National Reconciliation Week at Holt on May 30.

They heard a presentation from guest speaker Bob Slockee, Relationships Manager from Australians Together, which is a not for profit organisation working for Aboriginal people across Australia. Australians Together developed this professionally produced video which is a quick summary of why Reconciliation Week is celebrated this week.

The Morning Tea commenced Children from our Googong Early Learning Centre doing an Acknowledgement of Country activity of signing and actions. Anglicare CEO Jeremy Halcrow spoke passionately about Anglicare’s call to fight structural racism.

To read Jeremy’s speech – CLICK HERE

Eternity News published an article last week on the role of the Church and the action required by Christians to work towards reconciliation.

The article states:
While 62 per cent of church attenders agreed that “churches should more actively promote reconciliation,” 59 per cent of survey respondents admitted they had done nothing to encourage indigenous reconciliation, awareness or relationship building in the previous 12 months.

Of those who had done something, the two most popular actions were “made an active effort to stay informed on indigenous issues and policies in Australia” (16 per cent) and “developed friendships with indigenous Australians” (13 per cent).

To read the full story – CLICK HERE