
Anglicare is part of the Anglican Church tasked specifically with serving people who are vulnerable and marginalised in our community.

Anglicare NSW South, NSW West & ACT is an agency of the Canberra/Goulburn Diocese and, in agreements with the dioceses of Bathurst and the Riverina, is tasked with the specific role to serve and care for vulnerable people in these communities.


Anglicare exists to support individuals and communities through loving service and sharing hope so that all people live a full life.

As a Christian not-for-profit organisation, the uniqueness of our care is found in response to God’s love revealed in Jesus Christ. We experience God’s change in the dynamic of ‘becoming’ and ‘participating’. Becoming is about growing into greater alignment with God’s design and intention. Participating is about bringing our context into greater alignment with God’s design and intention. We believe this because all people are created equal and therefore have innate worth in God’s sight.


Anglicare’s purpose is to alleviate poverty and suffering in regional and rural communities by providing integrated and innovative care; and to deliver programs and services to reduce disadvantage amongst vulnerable and at-risk children, young people, seniors and people living with a disability.

We believe this because Australians are suffering in our current circumstances as seen in the levels of isolation, loneliness, family dysfunction, increased intimate partner violence, climate and environmental suffering due to fires, droughts, plagues, floods and so much more.

As a Christian organisation we believe in using our resources to care for others with empowering and good social impact.


Anglicare’s values of Compassion, Integrity, Dignity and Inclusiveness reflect the life and character of Jesus who had compassion for all but especially sought be inclusive of the poor and vulnerable, lived a life of absolute integrity and sacrificial giving, and afforded dignity to all people.