Anglicare announces funding for new mobile health clinic for vulnerable young people in the ACT

Media Releases


Anglicare ACT is excited for the launch of an innovative new mobile health clinic that will complement their existing bulk billed health service. The Junction Youth Health Service supports young people aged between 12 and 25 years in the Canberra area.

A recently announced $210,000 grant from the ACT Health Directorate will fund the purchase, fit out and stocking of a van to offer clinical health services for vulnerable young people who experience barriers to accessing health supports. Sarah Murdoch, Anglicare’s Manager of Youth, Family and Health Services in the ACT says the service will provide an important link for young people who may otherwise miss out.

“We want to make health access as easy as possible, especially for young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness and have experienced trauma,” says Sarah. “Barriers to access include age, financial difficulties, transportation challenges, domestic violence concerns, anxiety, disability or other health reasons. This van will be located in places that allow easy access for young people, and will include clinicians and youth workers who will provide access to safe medical treatment.”

Van locations will be assessed by community needs and Anglicare will partner with other services including community organisations such as refuges, schools and social welfare providers. The flexible delivery model means that outreach options can also be available.

“This will be a unique service of its kind in the ACT dedicated to health support for young people,” says Sarah. “We are extremely grateful to ACT Health for their investment in this project which will allow our teams to reach more young people. There are currently over 1000 young people registered with our service.”

As well as vaccinations, STI checks, cervical screening, pre and post-natal checks and prescriptions, Anglicare’s Junction Youth Health service also offers case management support for young people with complex needs. Case management includes referrals to other services such as legal support through Street Law, and housing support services.

For more information about Anglicare’s Junction Youth Health Service phone 02 6245 7100 or visit