Anglicare calls for support to provide affordable accommodation for local vulnerable people in Eden

Media Releases


Anglicare NSW South, NSW West and ACT are investigating options for acquiring the Roy Wotton Gardens property at Nullica Close in Eden to become affordable accommodation for seniors, retired veterans and for people living with a disability.

John Vilskersts, Anglicare’s General Manager for Seniors Living, said that the property has the potential to meet critical housing needs in the community by offering 16 low cost units. Each unit would include disability access, with plans to create private entrances and courtyards.

“Initial discussions with local community members, including the Social Justice Advocates of the Sapphire Coast (SJASC), have shown that the housing crisis has particularly affected vulnerable people in this region, with hundreds of locals also heavily impacted by housing loss caused by the Black Summer bushfires,” said Mr Vilskersts. “Anglicare has a strategic commitment to assist regional communities where services can often be thin, and with our experience we believe we are well-placed to facilitate this initiative.”

Anglicare are working closely with RSL LifeCare who made the difficult decision in December 2021 to close its Residential Aged Care facility at this site. “We are keen to see a positive outcome for the Eden Community, and have appreciated working with the RSL LifeCare team as we move forward with plans for urgently needed housing support for people in this area,” said Mr Vilskersts.

Anglicare is currently seeking funding to acquire the site, and are opening the facility to interested community members between 11am and 1pm on Saturday 2 April.

Anglicare is an experienced housing support provider, also offering emergency relief, bushfire recovery, disability services, permanency support programs, and retirement living services across a geographical footprint that incorporates much of southern NSW and the ACT.

To find out more about the proposal, visit