Anglicare Christmas Party Brings Festive Cheer to Hundreds in Goulburn

Community News


500 children and adults enjoyed the festivities of the Anglicare Children’s Christmas Party at the Goulburn Aquatic and Leisure Centre last week.

It’s the 10th year the community celebration has been held and Anglicare’s Regional Manager of Housing and Social Services, Toni Reay said she has received great feedback about the event.

The party is hosted to bring together all members of the community, but especially those who access Anglicare services such as early learning, emergency housing and disability services.

Festivities included a visit from Santa with 200 presents distributed on the day by Anglicare staff, show bags, face painting, swimming and a free BBQ.

Goulburn Police also attended the afternoon’s event.

“The response from the communtiy has been fantastic, and it’s a testament to the difference that an event like this can have for families” says Toni.