Anglicare Christmas Service Prayers – December 2018

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Let us pray

Heavenly Father, we give thanks for the work of Anglicare and its staff and volunteers. As we build on the foundations of Sister Esther and the Community of the Holy Name nearly 90 years ago, help us to continue to serve those in our communities who face challenges and difficulties every day.

May we show them, through our actions, that they are not forgotten.


We give thanks for our disability services, for our day centres, and our staff who support clients to be all that they can be. We thank you that we can support our clients to reach their goals and to fulfil their hopes and dreams. Help us to see them as you see them, and may we show them, through our actions, that they are loved by you.

Early Learning Education Centres

We give thanks for our early childhood education and care services, for our childcare centres, and family day care services. As we care for these children, help us to teach them those key skills they need to be ready for school. Give our staff patience and enthusiasm to support each child as an individual. Help us to see each child as you see them, and may we show them, and their families, through our actions, that they are loved by you.

Child, Youth and Family services

We give thanks for our child, youth and family services that operate across the region.  For youth education and mentoring, support provided to young carers, family and parenting support programs and health care. Give our staff and volunteers wisdom and courage as they build relationships and support our clients. Help us to see each client as you see them, and may we show them and their families, through our actions, that they are loved by you.

Emergency Relief, Housing and Homelessness

We give thanks for our emergency relief and housing and homelessness services. We thank you that we are able to support our clients at what can be the most difficult times in their lives, as they face a night without a safe place to sleep, an empty cupboard with no food to put on the table, or a bill that is unable to be paid. We thank you for the work of our staff and volunteers as they support clients at these times, give them compassion and energy to help them to move from a place where they are just surviving to a place where they can thrive. Help us to see each client as you see them, and may we show them and their families, through our actions, that they are loved by you.

Retirement living

We give thanks for our retirement living villages, for the residents of Brindabella Court, St David’s Close and Wollondillly Gardens. We pray for the residents and staff, and the communities in these places. Help us to grow communities with a sense of belonging in these villages, and help us to see each resident as you see them, may we show them, through our actions, that they are loved by you.

Out of Home Care

We give thanks for our out of home care program, for foster carers, kinship carers and the children and young people they care for. We pray for St Saviour’s in Sydney and our residential care facilities in Wagga and Orange. We give thanks for our staff who work to support carers and the children and young people. Give our staff and carers patience and enthusiasm to support each child as an individual, and to help build strong relationships of trust. Help us to see each child as you see them, and may we show them, and their families, through our actions, that they are loved by you.

Volunteers and staff

We give you thanks for all our volunteers who give their time freely to support us in so many ways. For our retail volunteers, and disaster recovery volunteers and for those who work in our mentoring and other programs. We thank you in particular for the work of our Board, for their dedication to seeing the Mission of Anglicare become a reality. We thank you for the work of our staff in all our services, those who work with us at the ADS, Anglicare Australia and our other partners. Help us to support each other and to see our colleagues and clients as you see them, may we show each other, through our actions, that they are loved by you.

Donor and Supporters

We give you thanks for our donors and supporters and the work we have been able to do because of their generosity. Help us to reach out to others who wish to partner with us, to grow the programs and support that we can provide. We pray that we will be good stewards of the resources we have and ask for wisdom as to priorities and areas where we can achieve great things.

As Christmas draws near, help us all to remember that your son Jesus was born in a stable, a servant king, who gave his life for us. He had compassion on those in need and encourages all to love one another as he has loved us.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
