Anglicare Recognised for Outstanding Contribution to Young People in ACT

Community News

25 November 2016.

Congratulations to Sue Jennings and our Paint & Play team who were recognised by the ACT Children’s Week Committee for an outstanding contribution to young people in the ACT!

The Paint & Play team coordinate 5 playgroups in the ACT that exist to engage families who are often isolated and provides developmental support for their young children. The Committee made special mention to the ACT Paint and Playgroup at Boundless Playground that strives to welcome and engage children and families of all abilities.

The ACT Children’s Week Committee nominated Sue Jennings with the following statement:

“ACT playgroups would like to nominate Sue Jennings and the paint and play team for their tireless efforts on behalf of vulnerable families in our community. Anglicare support, manage and fund five different Paint and Play sessions in the Canberra area.  This commitment is funded out of their own time and money and their presence helps to break down barriers between local families, provide development and support for young children and engage often isolated families in regular activities and other relevant services. Even on the frostiest and windiest of Canberra mornings, you can find this dedicated group of young women setting up paint and easels and preparing to welcome and engage literally hundreds of families each week. ACT Playgroups is proud to partner with these wonderful women especially at our Boundless Activity Paint and Play program where we strive to welcome and engage children and families of all abilities. The ACT would be much the poorer without the amazing contribution that Sue and her team make often in difficult and challenging circumstances”.

Congratulations to all involved for receiving the “Community for Children” Award.