Anglicare Retail’s Winter Drive seeks to provide options for families on low incomes.
This April, Anglicare Retail is running a winter drive to increase the supply of warm weather goods across our Canberra and Queanbeyan-based shops. With temperatures just beginning to drop, our retail stores have already started to see an increase in demand for cold weather gear—and supplies are running low.
Volunteers in our retail shops are concerned. “One thing that really does go quickly, are coats”, said Elizabeth Anastasiou, a volunteer at our Phillip retail shop. “Particularly kid’s coats. We can’t keep them on the racks because they go so quickly. Jumpers are starting to move already too. Let’s face it, Canberra winter is cold.”
While Canberrans may complain about frigid winter temperatures, most have somewhere warm to escape. But, as our volunteers know well, for many in our community the cold is worse than discomfort. For many, it means making hard choices between a warm home or a full plate. And for some it means wearing layer upon layer, to go without heat entirely.
Anglicare’s Winter Drive is something practical that all of us can do to help.
For Sarah Banning, manager of the Phillip shop, providing families and individuals on low incomes a choice of items is essential. “A lot of people that use op shops don’t have money to go to regular stores and it is really nice to have options for them, so they are not feeling like there is just one item that they are stuck with”, she said. “To be able to go into a store as someone on a low income and have a shopping experience where you get to choose something is so important.”
The retail team are asking for gently used winter clothing, outerwear, blankets and sleeping bags. Donations will provide low-cost options to struggling families—and proceeds from our retail sales will be funneled back into our community programs and emergency relief services.
For Anglicare, keeping prices low is a priority. “I love that about working here”, said Elizabeth, “the prices you find here are very, very good. It gives the customer the chance to be able to buy quality goods and come to the counter for a fraction of what they pay out there.”
Donated goods will make a meaningful difference to the warmth and wellbeing of families on low incomes. If you have winter wear in your closet or drawers that you no longer use or need it, please bring them to one of our retail shops in Erindale, Phillip or Queanbeyan or drop them at one of our donation bins listed below.