CWA Hosts Cooking Classes for Anglicare Clients

Community News


Clients of Anglicare’s Housing and Homelessness Service in Goulburn have been receiving free cooking classes thanks to the Mulwaree branch of Country Women’s Association. Every Monday, Anglicare clients attend the classes hosted by the CWA which takes them through recipes step-by-step and also educates them on safe food handling, storage, healthy eating and tips on how to use the same ingredients for other recipes to eliminate food waste.

Regional Manager for housing and social services, Toni Reay, says the classes have been invaluable to clients. “I really love seeing our clients who come from different backgrounds and circumstances, engage with each other”.

“It’s not just the cooking skills that make the classes worthwhile, but the opportunity for clients, who are often isolated at home, come together in a supportive and social environment” says Toni.