Embracing Ministries ‘Little Treasures’ Easter Holiday Program

Church News


Embracing Ministries is excited to offer ‘Little Treasures’ – a holiday program in the ACT for children of all abilities. With the support of trained leaders and young mentors, children with special needs will learn about the Easter story alongside their mainstream peers, allowing the program to be totally inclusive to children both with and without special needs. The small groups and activities enable the children to learn about the Easter story according to their own ability, and enjoy worship and play together.

On Sunday 15th April from 2pm-4pm, families will have the opportunity to meet and get to know the leaders and mentors on the program. This will also give the kids an opportunity to become more familiar with the holiday program space.

On the 16th -18th of April from 9am-2.30pm there will be a three-day Christian program with themes and stories celebrating Easter. We will end the program with an end of program service at 2.30pm on the 18th April, where we will celebrate the gift of all people being welcome to God’s banquet table together.

If you would be interested in your child attending Little Treasures, or you would like to volunteer for this ministry or support us in prayer or financially, please contact Revd Andrea Horciu by email – horciu@btinternet.com

To read more about the Little Treasures volunteer position and other volunteer vacancies at Anglicare, CLICK HERE.