Exercise Weary Dunlop brings ADFA cadets to Anglicare services

Community News

Anglicare was thrilled to welcome teams of cadets from the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) to three local Anglicare sites last month for a big day of volunteering. Exercise Weary Dunlop, named for celebrated WWII veteran and physician, Sir Earnest “Weary” Dunlop, is an annual event organized by ADFA to connect cadets to community by giving their time and energy to worthy causes.

Anglicare’s Gordon Community Centre had a whole list of activities for the cadets to help with, including assembling outdoor furniture, cleaning windows and making a play sound wall from a wooden pallet. Meanwhile, the cadet teams at Brindabella Court and St David’s Close retirement villages were tasked with weeding, mulching and other outdoor jobs. Anglicare is thankful to ADFA and the cadets, and we are impressed by all that was accomplished in a single day.