God of Compassion: Lent Bible Study

Church News


2020 has been a challenging year. We’ve been reminded daily that we are all dependent on each other, and our actions affect people we may never meet. Interdependence is familiar to anyone who walks with our compassionate God.

The Public Issues Commission, with the support of Anglicare, is offering a six-week study which looks at what God has to tell us about compassion in the public sphere: for those in our parish, in our Anglican communion, nationally and intergenerationally.

The Lenten Studies will challenge us to think about our circles of care, and hopefully to enlarge them a little.

The study is available online on and as a printed booklet. There is a nominal cost for hard copy to cover printing and postage. Any profits will be donated to Anglicare.

To order a copy of the Lent Bible Study, CLICK HERE.