Gordon Community Centre Turns One!


Anglicare and Lanyon Valley Anglican Church recently celebrated the first anniversary of their partnership to establish Gordon Community Centre.

Debbi Fluke, the Coordinator reports:

“Since the Centre opened in early 2017, we have seen significant growth both in our service delivery, and community awareness and engagement in the Centre. From a few visits to the Pantry each month, the team assisted over 70 individuals and families in the 2017-18 financial year, with over 140 instances of assistance being provided.

The community playgroup regularly has around a dozen children and their parents and carers attending to participate in facilitated activities and enjoy a free, healthy morning tea. Numbers of participants for the walking group and free community morning teas have risen since the beginning of the year and there’s always an enjoyable buzz in the Centre on a Wednesday morning with so many people coming and going.

There are plenty of new activities underway with the Rev’d Andrea Horciu’s Embracing Ministriesfor disabled children and their carers running the Minnows musical playgroup during school terms. A community garden is currently being established and potential new partnerships being explored to enable us to expand the support we can provide to vulnerable people in the local community.

We have also set up a Gordon Community Centre Facebook page to build awareness of the work we’re doing in the local community and we love visitors – so if you’re in the area pop in to say hi!”

What’s happening at Gordon’s Community Centre?

Free Playgroup: A free, facilitated playgroup runs every Wednesday during school terms at Gordon Community Centre from 10.30am – 12noon. We have a wonderful outdoor play area and an indoor playgroup room and we provide fruit for morning tea. Parents and carers do need to stay on site with their children, no bookings are required. For more information, CLICK HERE.

Community Garden: The team at Gordon Community Centre are in the midst of planning for the development of a Community Garden. The Garden will help supply the Lanyon Pantry with fresh food and herbs, and will provide an opportunity for members of the local community to come together to volunteer, meet new people and learn a bit about gardening (or share what you know!) If you would be interested in helping with our Community Garden please register your interest by emailing gordon@anglicare.com.au