Karen Kime appointed as Anglicare’s General Manager of Cultural Safety

Community News


After an extensive recruitment process which drew a very high quality field, the Rev’d Karen Kime has been appointed General Manager for Cultural Safety.

The recruitment panel, which included independent member Robyn Forrester (‎CEO of the ‎Australian Indigenous Leadership Centre) was unanimous in its decision. Karen is a Birripa woman and was previously Anglicare’s General Manager for Aboriginal Partnerships until 2014. For the past four years she has been Indigenous Academic Fellow and lecturer in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Charles Sturt University in Wagga. She has extensive qualifications including a BA (Social Welfare) and a Master of Arts in Cultural Heritage. In 2013 Karen was a delegate to the UN Commission on the Status of Women in New York.

She is currently completing her PhD on Aboriginal spirituality, wise cultural practices and well-being, which in part researched practice in our Anglicare services.

Karen will commence in the new role on Monday July 23 and will be based at our new Anglicare offices at St Alban’s Kooringal in Wagga.