Mary’s Market farewells fearless leaders

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From the very beginning, when the parish council of St Mary in the Valley Anglican Church first met with Anglicare to discuss the idea of opening an opportunity shop (16 years ago!) Carol Willey was there. Since then, Carol has remained utterly dedicated—helping coordinate the shop with skill and grace, empowering fellow volunteers, and leading with kindness and understanding.

Therefore, the announcement during a morning tea last month, that Carol and her long-time assistance coordinator, Pauline Cameron-Storey, would be stepping down from their leadership roles at Mary’s Market was met with both gratitude and bittersweet emotion.

During Carol and Pauline’s tenure, Mary’s Market has weathered many challenges and changes. In the early days, when the op shop was located in a back room at the church, Carol worked alongside Jeanette Dundon-Tunks, who recalled their perspective early on. “We weren’t easily seen”, she said, “but we tried, with the use of flags and banners and word of mouth. We understood the importance of respecting our customers by offering clean and wearable clothes and goods in a very good condition.”

Under Jeannette, Carol, and later Pauline’s watch—and their keen attention to providing quality clothing and accessory options—Mary’s Market thrived. So much so, that when a ‘plague’ of termites was discovered in the church’s back room in 2020, the managers of the adjacent Calwell Shopping Centre offered the team a commercial site within the centre at a nominal cost.

Carol described the relocation from the safety and security of the church to the bustling shopping centre as “stepping out in faith” but she recognised the change for what it was, calling it “a true answer to prayer and a blessing indeed.” The move gave Mary’s Market a stronger presence within the centre of the community and greater opportunity for outreach.

Indeed, the impact the shop has made in the wider community is significant. Mary’s Market has made various contributions including through monetary and material donations to Anglicare, sharing clothing and blankets with St John’s Care, Roundabout and the RSPCA, collecting food donations for Gordon Community Centre, and providing personal items for Living with Dignity.

Anglicare’s Volunteer Manager, Laura Dawson, attended the morning tea event to thank Carol and Pauline for their years of dedication and to present them with a small gift from Anglicare. She is thrilled to report that while Carol and Pauline will be stepping down from their coordinating responsibilities, the duo will continue their roles as volunteers.

Anglicare is thankful to these remarkable women and their incredible team for all they’ve done to support, engage and improve their community and feel blessed to be involved in Parish Partnerships like this one with St Mary’s in the Valley.