Message from Acting Presiding Member, The Venerable Tom Henderson-Brooks

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It is with great disappointment and sadness that as acting Presiding Member of the Anglicare NSW South, NSW West & ACT Board of Directors, I announce the resignation of Anglicare’s CEO, Mr. Brandon Howard. The Board has been very conscious of the significant sacrifice he has made over the last year in being geographically separated from his family.

I want to thank Brandon for his servant leadership, his tireless hard-work, and the enduring message of hope that he has imparted to the Anglicare family over the last 12 months. In that time, we have become good friends and I will miss Brandon’s contribution to our life together.

In Brandon’s words, “This has not been an easy decision, for I truly admire the work of Anglicare and the deep commitment and passion of our staff, volunteers, and parishes. Although this time away from the family has been difficult, it has been made somewhat easier through the welcome, support, and encouragement I have received from many.  For this, I am extremely grateful.”

“During my time at Anglicare, I have seen mission in action every single day and our people showing courage to keep fighting the good fight for individuals and families.  It has been humbling to be part of the Anglicare family and to partner with so many wonderful, committed and passionate individuals, providing hope to many communities across the ACT and regional NSW.”

On behalf of the Board and the Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn, I wan t to extend our sincerest gratitude for what Brandon has accomplished in the past year and wish him all of God’s richest blessings as he explores where God might next lead him. In particular, I want to thank Brandon’s wife Deb and their children and extended family for allowing Brandon to give so much of himself to the ministry and mission of Anglicare.

The Anglicare Board and Bishop Mark Short acknowledge the importance that the ministry and mission of Anglicare be enabled and supported by the Diocese during this interim period of transition.  Therefore, the current General Manager of the Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn, Mr. Trevor Arment, will step in as interim CEO from 3rd February 2024.