Priority Investment in People

Our Blog

20 September 2016.

The Australian Government today launched its priority investment approach with a Try, Test Learn (TTL) program for key groups of young people.

“Support for young people most at risk of exclusion makes a lot of sense” Anglicare deputy director Roland Manderson said today.

“And the groups that the Government has identified for its Try, Test Learn program – young carers, those for whom training and education isn’t working, and young parents – would really benefit from extra help.
“Anglicare member organisations around the country are keen to ensure TTL delivers an increased investment in these young people, and that it pays attention to their circumstances and their aspirations.

“Almost everybody who can, wants to work. But people often need support not just into a job, but over the long haul. “On top of that, we mustn’t forget that this is a small initiative. The much greater effect of economicchange, insecure work, unaffordable housing and inadequate income won’t be resolved by investmentson this scale.
“Finally, releasing the information that tells us about the impact of public funding and programs is an important step towards finding a formula for long term investment in our communities. However, in the process, we need to ensure that our goal remains the wellbeing of people, not merely reducing the welfare cost to our bottom line” Mr Manderson said.