Rev’d Sarah Plummer: Our Vision

Church News


Anglicare invites you to pray with us as we seek to live out our vision. We have been exploring why we care, how we care and what shapes our care over the past few months. This is the result of much prayer and discussion.

Our Vision (WHY we care)

What we are aiming for and working towards as an organisation

Jesus Christ’s LOVE,
Provides HOPE,
For a full LIFE

This is WHY we’re here.

We are so grateful for your prayers so that God’s spirit will enable us to keep living our Vision each day. In a recent staff survey our staff shared that Anglicare is truly a great place to work. Staff felt that leaders do genuinely care for staff well-being. We are grateful to God’s mercy and Grace upon us that we can have an authentic work environment. Christ’s love is sacrificial and often found in the most challenging and difficult spaces with others. It’s messy and engaged not removed and remote. We care because God cares about every life. In this New Year we thank you for your partnership, we covet your prayers and we are so grateful to Jesus Christ love that provides Hope for a full life. What a wonderful reason to care.

As part of acknowledging and celebrating our partnership, each year we mark Anglicare Sunday. This is an opportunity to provide an update and to thank your congregation for the work they have supported over the past year. The event is usually run as part of National Anti-Poverty Week which happens in October. While COVID-19 impacted Anglicare Sunday last year, we wish to thank all the churches who were still able to participate.

We also want to assure you that the purpose of Anglicare Sunday is around raising awareness of the needs of the vulnerable in your community. Plans are underway for Anglicare Sunday 2021, and we look forward to, hopefully, partnering with you again for this event.

In Christ,
Sarah Plummer
Director, Mission & Culture