Student Information
Important resources and information for prospective students of Anglicare College.
Credit Transfer
Credit Transfer is available to students enrolling in Anglicare College nationally recognised and accredited courses. Credit Transfers are accepted where a student has received certificates for successful completion of relevant units of competency in their course, evidenced by Statements of Attainment, Certificates and/ or course transcripts issued by an accredited training organisation. Students are required to submit originals or copies of documents which have been certified by an authorised person. A credit will be allotted to the relevant unit of competency and the student may not be required to attend class and complete assessment tasks for those units.
Recognition of Prior Learning
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the recognition of competencies currently held, regardless of how or where the learning occurred. Competence may be gained in a number of ways, including a combination of formal or informal training and education, work experience or general life experience. Before RPL can be approved, Anglicare College must be confident that the student is currently competent according to the criteria set out in the relevant training package and specified in AQF accredited programs. The evidence may take a variety of forms, generally includes an interview, completion of some workplace tasks, self-assessments, copies of certificates and evidence of past experience, references from employers and work samples. RPL applicants must present proof upon notification of successful enrolment that the evidence provided is authentic, valid, reliable, current and sufficient. A credit will be allocated for each unit to which the RPL application relates.
A traineeship allows an employee to gain qualifications while employed. Many employers who have staff undertaking traineeships are eligible for financial incentives. Speak to our team today if you would like to know more about traineeship opportunities.