Orana Preschool
Providing preschool education to the Goulburn community for more than 20 years.
Orana Preschool has been serving the Goulburn community for more than 20 years by providing preschool education for children 3-6 years old. Orana Preschool offers two and three day placements depending on availability.
Opening hours: 8.30am – 4.00pm, Monday- Friday (during school term).
Parent Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
We would love to have you join us for a tour of our wonderful preschool. Please contact us today to organise a visit during our opening hours.
Orana Preschool provides services for children 3-6 years of age and our team are committed to giving children the best possible start in their years leading into school.
Orana is licenced to provide preschool services for up to 28 children per day, 5 days a week during school term.
We recommend a small to medium sized back pack, so that all belongings remain together. We encourage the children to carry their own bags and they will have their own locker to store items on their day/s of attendance.
Please bring:
- A coat or jacket (during cool or wet weather)
- Suitable clothing and shoes; no clothing with toggles, no thongs or slippery shoes as these are dangerous for climbing (refer to the Children’s Playground Policy).
- A complete change of clothing packed in your child’s bag at all times throughout the year (children may get wet or dirty during play). It is recommended that comfortable, serviceable, easy to manage play clothes be worn.
- A hat. In accordance with our Sun Safe Policy the children are required to wear a hat for outdoor play in both summer and winter, for protection against the harmful rays of the sun. We apply SPF30+ sunscreen to the children before we go outdoorsthroughout the day.
- A library bag.
Please label all your child’s belongings.
Children are required to bring a packed lunch and morning tea to Orana Preschool.
We encourage parents to pack nutritious food which may include: fruit, raw vegetables, yogurt, cheese, savoury biscuits, dried fruit, sandwiches etc.
Foods like chips, lollies, chocolates, roll-ups, soft drink and all products that contain nuts will be sent home with your child as they are not acceptable food items at Preschool.
Please pack your child’s lunch in a lunch box that is clearly labelled with your child’s name. Containers that are easily opened by your child are best.
Orana Preschool is allergy-aware and you will be advised of foods and medications which cannot be brought to Preschool.
We suggest you come to the ELC and spend time here with your child prior to leaving them. How much time you spend here is up to you. You are very welcome to spend as much or as little time as you need. Do not hesitate to ask questions, either in person, by phone or email. Your piece of mind is our top priority. Our aim is that you are relaxed and confident leaving your child in our care.
First Day
A calm and unhurried routine will allow your child to feel calm too. Spend time signing in, putting their belongings away, talking to the educators and settling your child into an activity. Once your child is settled into an activity, give them prior warning that you will leave soon. Always say good bye and tell your child you will be back to pick them up after you finish work. This helps build trust.
If you are worried or concerned please feel free to ring us at any time during the day. We will call you if your child is upset or if anything unusual happens.
End of the Day
When you pick your child up, take time to talk to the staff who will tell you how your child has been during the day. The day book will also give you information about what the children have done, sleep times and how much they have eaten. Talk to your child about who they have met and what they have enjoyed doing. Ask your child to show you what they have been doing.
In the next few days your child may settle easier on some days than others. Talk to the staff about events in your child’s life such as how they are sleeping , eating or what they did over the weekend. This will help give educators an overview of wellbeing.
Always remember we are here to help you. Please feel free to talk to us at any time.
It is important that children are fully vaccinated before they start preschool to help protect them. Families will be asked to provide current information in regards to their child’s immunisation on enrolment. Under the Public Health Act 2010, families must provide an Australian Childhood Immunisation register (ACIR) Immunisation History Statement (that shows a child is up to date), or an Immunisation History Form IMMU13 (that shows a child is on a catch-up schedule) or an immunisation exemption form. This information is used to identify and exclude children from care if there is an outbreak of a vaccine preventable disease.
Families who do not provide the appropriate documentation will be unable to enrol their child.
If your child has an immunisation exemption they will be excluded from the Preschool during an outbreak of a vaccine preventable disease. Normal fees will be incurred during the period of exclusion.
We believe birthdays are a special occasion and we happy to celebrate!
If you would like to bring a cake to Preschool in celebration of your child’s birthday please talk to our staff to arrange.
Orana Preschool operates during the NSW school term dates and is closed for all NSW school holidays. No fees are charged during school holidays.
It’s easy! Simply complete our Early Learning Waiting List Form and our team will contact you shortly about vacancies at Orana Preschool.
We would love to talk to you some more about Orana Preschool
Please use the Contact Us Form at the end of this page or call us during business hours on (02) 4823 4030.