Profits generated at our retail recycling stores are used to support the work of Anglicare and to support the outreach of the Anglican Church.
31 Grattan Court
Wanniassa ACT
P (02) 6149 5000
Monday-Friday: 10.00am-4.00pm
Saturday: 10.00am-2.00pm
41-34 Colbee Court
Phillip ACT
P (02) 6281 4796
Monday-Friday: 10.00am-4.30pm
Saturday: 10.00am-2.00pm
170 Crawford Street
Queanbeyan NSW
P (02) 6232 9272
Monday-Friday 10.00am-4.30pm
Saturday 10.30am-2.30pm

Declutter your wardrobe, support the work of Anglicare!

When you donate good quality clothing that you no longer need, you are helping Anglicare raise vital funding for our programs.

The programs Anglicare provides care, support and practical help to the most vulnerable members of our community. We really need YOUR help to provide these services in our community.

Contact us today about organising a clothing collection in our workplace, school or community group.

Have clothing you would like to donate?

See the map below to find a Anglicare Retail donation bin located near you.

Parish Stores

Anglicare also supports a number of Parish Partnership shops in Canberra and across regional NSW.