Community Engagement

Engaging with individuals and other community organisations is an important aspect of Anglicare’s work. Anglicare has worked alongside a number of other community organisations and also has long term, ongoing partnerships with organisations such as St John’s Care in Canberra. We are passionate about working with the community, for the community.

How can you work with us to help tackle poverty in our community?

  • Volunteer
  • Pantry Appeal
  • Fundraise
  • Pray!

How We Can Help:

  • Speakers: Want to know more about poverty and helping others? Anglicare has a number of speakers who can present on a wide range of topics to coincide with your community event, camp or program. These include (but are not limited to):
    • Food insecurity
    • Poverty and hardship (including hidden poverty and localised poverty)
    • The Anglicare Pantry Appeal
    • Homelessness
  • Partner: Looking for a way to give back but don’t know where to start? We can provide opportunities for you or your group to partner with our programs. This can be a once off arrangement or an ongoing partnership. Anglicare has a number of services which have benefited from the time, enthusiasm and expertise of community groups and individuals. If you are looking for a practical way to make a difference in your community, we’d love to hear from you!

Contact Us

If you are interested in volunteering and work experience opportunities at Anglicare, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator via email