It is our aim to break inter-generational disadvantage and poverty by supporting young people and their families. Through our Youth and Family Services, we encourage young people to remain engaged in school and post-school training to support them to achieve their potential.
We aim to strengthen young people and families through providing health care, youth engagement programs, parenting support and like skills development.
We currently operate a range of unique and impactful youth and family services in Canberra, Yass, Goulburn, Batemans Bay, Wagga Wagga, Leeton and Griffith.
See the directory below for our range of Youth and Family Services across NSW and ACT.
The Junction Youth Health Service
Located in Canberra CBD, The Junction Youth Health Service provides primary health care for young people between 12-25 years old at no cost. Services are available to any young person with a medicare card, but The Junction has a particular focus on supporting young people experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
CYCLOPS Young Carers Program
Connecting Young Carers to Life Opportunities & Personalised Support (CYCLOPS) is a program supporting young people, up to 25 years old who care for a family member experiencing a physical or intellectual disability, chronic illness, mental health issues and/or alcohol and other drug related issues. CYCLOPS offers support that can help make life easier and promote opportunities for young careers to be more involved in community life.

Yass Valley Youth Support
Yass Valley Youth Support is a program to support young people between the ages of 12 and 17 years old. The program is designed to provide information and referral to specialist support services and client-focused case management and support. The service supports young people in areas of health, relationships, employment, education and legal issues.
P (02) 6226 4872

Interview Friends
Interview Friends are Anglicare volunteers who provide support to a young person who needs a supportive adult to attend a police interview with them when a parent or relative cannot attend. Interview Friends are a support person to these young people to ensure the statements that the young person provides are voluntary and the rights and interests of the young person are upheld.
P (02) 6245 7100

Yass Family Services
Yass Family Services provides support for families with children from the third trimester of pregnancy through to 12 years old. The program offers support to families through case management and connecting families with other supports and services. This service benefits families who are experiencing vulnerabilities or disadvantage that may impact their capacity to adequately protect and care for their children.
P (02) 6226 4872

Reconnecting Home
Reconnecting Home, Anglicare’s Homeless Youth Assistance Program, offers early intervention support and brokerage to young people, witihin the Murrumbidgee region, who find themselves homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless. Support is provided to rebuild family and cultural connections, have the young person engaged in education, training or employment and successfully transition to independence.
P 0428 467 744

Joint Support Program (JSP)
The JSP Casework Support Service is funded by the Department of Justice and provides a broad range of supports that assist a young person, under the supervision of Juvenile Justice, to establish positive relationships and interactions within the community. The caseworker supports the young person and their families to transition away from lifestyles that bring them into conflict with the justice system.
P (02) 6937 1555

Lifetime Learning
Lifetime Learning is an Anglicare program for Aboriginal families to support parents who have children under 5 years old. Lifetime Learning includes developmental screenings to help identify healthy development in children, story time and morning tea with other families. The program is hosted once a month at Leeton Shire Library and once a month Griffith City Library. For upcoming dates, call 0419 845 303.

The Home Interaction Program for Parents and Youngsters (HIPPY) is a two-year, home-based, early learning and parenting program for families with young children. HIPPY supports parents in becoming their children’s first teacher and helps foster a love of learning from a young age. HIPPY is based at the Ashmont Community Resource Centre.
P 0428 573 414

Targeted Early Intervention – TEI
Targented Early Intervention supports families struggling due to issues such as financial stress, drugs or alcohol, or domestic violence to build capacity, develop healthier relationships, learn parenting skills, and engage positively with the wider community.
Currently the program is based in Moruya, Goulburn and Yass and provides services across the Eurobodalla and Bega Shires and all of Goulburn Mulwaree.
P (02) 6245 7100

Youth Reference Group
Anglicare’s Youth Reference Group consists of young people, aged 12-25, who access our Canberra-based services and provide valuable insight into our programs, and the issues that impact young people today.
It is a valuable opportunity for young people to learn about advocacy and the power of having their voice heard by decision makers.
P (02) 6232 2423

Survive & Thrive
Survive & Thrive is an Anglicare program in Wagga which supports families with children aged 0-12 and aims to strengthen and maintain family relationships, and improve children’s wellbeing through a holistic approach that combines case management with supported playgroups. The program utilises a child-centred approach, targeting parent education, skills building and early intervention.
P (02) 6931 3456

Bradfordville Supported Playgroup
Bradfordville Supported Playgroup runs every Tuesday during school term 9.30am-11.0am. Supported playgroups are facilitated by Anglicare educators with aims to support the wellbeing of parents and children. All are welcome. The playgroup meets at Bradfordville Primary School Hall – 10/30 Hampden Street, Goulburn.
P (02) 4823 4000

Goulburn Family Services
Goulburn Family Services provides support for families with children from the third trimester of pregnancy through to 12 years old. The program offers support to families through case management and connecting families with other supports and services. This service benefits families who are experiencing vulnerabilities or disadvantage that may impact their capacity to adequately protect and care for their children.
P (02) 4823 4022