Connecting Young Carers to Life Opportunities & Personalised Support (CYCLOPS)

CYCLOPS ACT is a program supporting young people, up to 25 years old who care for a family member.

One in ten young people aged up to 25 in Australia care for someone in their family with an illness or disability.

What is CYCLOPS?

CYCLOPS ACT is a program supporting young people, up to 25 years old who care for a family member experiencing a physical or intellectual disability, mental health issues, alcohol and other drug related issues and/or chronic illness.
CYCLOPS is a service provided by Anglicare ACT Youth & Family Services and offers support that can help make life easier and promote opportunities for young carers to be more involved in community life.
CYCLOPS supports young carers through family case management, personal support/ advice, advocacy, organising recreational activities, information and educational support and skills development.

What supports are provided?

CYCLOPS can help young carers in lots of ways. If any of these would help you – please get in touch!

  • Personal Support – Someone to talk to, and help to deal with day to day problems
  • Case Management – When things get to complicated CYCLOPS can help co-ordinate supports for young carers and their families.
  • Advocacy – To help you say what you want to say, if you don’t know how.
  • Education Support – Help with school if your caring role has got in the way of your education.
  • Supporting Groups – Meet others who are or have gone through similar things.
  • Recreation – A chance to have a break and try new things.
  • Information – Services who can help and places to go.
  • Referral – If we can’t help you, we’ll find someone who can

Could you be a Young Carer?

Does someone in your family/household have an illness, a disability, a mental health or alcohol and/or other drug issue? 
Do you sometimes need to look after siblings or extended family members?
Do you take on responsibilities at home such as running errands, cleaning the house, banking/budgeting, organising transport or planning and cooking meals? 
Do you provide personal care to someone in your family/household such as assisting with feeding, showering, bathing and toileting?
Do you assist someone in your home with health needs such as administering medication, dressings or other treatments, helping with mobility/repositioning or assisting with appointments? 
Are you often late to school or absent because you need to look after someone in your family/household?  
Are you unable to participate in extracurricular activities or have difficulty completing homework or other tasks because you’re busy looking after someone in your family/household? 
If you answered YES to any of the above, you are likely a young carer. Contact us at 02 6232 2488 to see how we can help.

Upcoming Events

The CYCLOPS team hosts regular young carer social groups!
Drop in, share some food, meet some other young carers, learn some new skills and get involved in  fun activities.
For more info on our social groups during term 1, click on the poster or email our team at


30 Scotts Crossing
Civic ACT 2601
(02) 6232 2488

Contact Us


Referral Form

To join the CYCLOPS ACT program, please send a completed referral form to us via email.
Please save the referral form to your computer before filling out otherwise your edits will not be saved.
Youth Reference Group Application