The Junction Launches Social Groups

Community News


The Junction Youth Health Service provides free primary health care and support services in the Canberra CBD for young people aged 12 to 25. In February, The Junction team launched ‘The Junction Social Groups’ to create a space for young people to reconnect and have fun after a difficult year in 2020.

The Junction Youth Worker, Olivia, says “The Junction’s new social groups were created in response to the isolation a lot of young people have felt due to COVID-19. We asked our clients what they were missing and what they would like from us – they chose mindfulness and art, and job seeking.”

“We hope that our focus on mindfulness helps clients to practice self-care and take time to reflect on their thoughts and feelings rather than bottling them up. The resume writing and job seeking support will help young people get back into employment as the casual job market begins to open up again. The limited social interactions of the last year have left a lot of young people lacking in motivation and support – we’re hoping to turn that around!”

The Junctions Social Groups includes a mindfulness art group every Thursday afternoon and a casual ‘hangout’ session every Friday afternoon where the youth workers also put aside time to help young people with job seeking and resume writing skills.

 “We’ve also met many new young people who have noticed our doors open again and come in to say hi and join us. The groups are so much fun and we’re so happy to provide a space for this community of young people to re-emerge, reconnect and get out of the house again” says Olivia.

To stay up to date with activities and events hosted by The Junction, follow the The Junction Youth Health Service on Facebook.