Update from Bishop Mark Short

Church News


“We’re all in this together.”

Somehow those words have become stuck in my head during this COVID-19 season, courtesy of TV advertising on high rotation.  It’s certainly true that the challenge of responding to COVID-19 has impacted all areas of society.  Nonetheless, if solidarity is to be more than a slogan it needs to be expressed in genuine community and care for everyone.  Across the Diocese Anglicare and local churches are being called to serve those who are so easily overlooked at times like these – overseas students, asylum seekers and refugees, workers in casual and temporary employment.

In 1 Corinthians  12:26 the Apostle Paul outlines what solidarity looks like for the people of Jesus – “If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honoured, all rejoice together with it.” In difficult times, may that vision inspire our work and enliven our communities.


Prayer Point
Pray for Anglicare’s contribution to the Canberra Relief Network and other initiatives to provide food assistance at this time.  May we connect with those most in need,

Prayer Point
Pray for communities across the Diocese still recovering from summer bushfires and for Anglicare and other workers called to serve in those places.  May they continue to receive support and encouragement