Volunteer Feature: Pat at Gordon Community Centre

Community News


The Gordon Community Centre, run in partnership by Anglicare and the Lanyon Valley Anglican Church, would not run so well at all without its team of volunteers—especially long-term volunteer Pat Houghton.

For going on 5 years, Pat has been an integral part of the centre. She is heavily involved in the food pantry operation and has used her 20 years of child care experience to run the Wednesday playgroup sessions since they began.

“I was working for Anglicare’s Calwell Early Childcare Centre when the Gordon Community Centre opened and I was sent over to help set up the playgroup” she said. Once the playgroup was up and running, Pat decided to stay on as a volunteer—and she’s stayed on ever since. “Back when we started we had maybe 5 or 6 children.” she said. “Last week we had 19 and sometimes it is as high as 25!”

A highlight for Pat is planning holiday playgroup sessions, such as the recent Christmas party. “I had a lot of fun making little Christmas presents for all the children” she said. Pat also planned a special Easter craft for a session earlier this month.

Pat’s efforts with the onsite food pantry are another way she’s become essential to the Gordon team. “Pat is one of the longest serving volunteers in the Pantry. We are grateful for the support she is able to provide to newer volunteers, and the additional time and energy she puts into our Christmas activities”, said Gordon Community Centre Coordinator Rose Flintoff.

The pantry is open twice a week for community members struggling to make ends meet. Participants receive bags of food and other necessities such as toiletries and laundry detergent. Food donations come from OZHarvest and occasionally local bakeries or shops. Generous community members donate dry goods and financial gifts which are used to fill in the gaps.

“We don’t always have everything we’d like, said Pat, but we do the best we can”. With increasing numbers of clients “we have needed to get creative. Sometimes we won’t source hair conditioner so we can afford more shampoo, as that’s more essential.”

When asked what motivates her as a volunteer, Pat responded that the support she receives from the staff and other volunteers has brought her through some very tough times. Without a doubt Pat’s dedication and commitment to the Gordon Community Centre has done the same for many of the vulnerable clients and young families she has helped through the years. Anglicare couldn’t continue to serve the community without volunteers like Pat.

To learn more about Gordon Community Centre, CLICK HERE.