Young people instate care in NSW now on the Home Stretch

Media Releases


Anglicare NSW South, NSW West, and ACT today congratulates Minister Natasha Maclaren-Jones and Premier Dominic Perrottet for adopting the life-changing reform to extend support to 21 years for those in state care. Anglicare Interim CEO, Brad Braithwaite, said that this further three years of support for young people in care will make a world of difference.

“We applaud the NSW Government for joining the ACT Government, and indeed all other state governments across Australia, in extending care to 21 years for those we look after in state care,” Mr Braithwaite said.

Anglicare NSW South, NSW West and ACT currently has nearly 400 children and young people in care across regional NSW. Until this announcement, young people were destined to have to leave care at 18 years old, with no further care support whatsoever. This policy announcement means that they will now have the option of remaining in care until they are 21 years old.

“The lifetime impacts of this simple reform for young people in state care our huge”. Mr Braithwaite said. “It will allow them to more smoothly transition from school to post-school education or work, which is a hard transition for any of us, let alone those forced out of care at 18. Young people will have a better chance of successfully transitioning to adulthood and becoming economically and socially independent” he said.

Mr Braithwaite also pointed to the huge benefits to society of this reform. “A recent study by Deloitte Access Economics on extending care to the age of 21 found that every dollar invested returns at least two dollars in future savings. They found very significant benefits in terms reduced crime, hospitalisation, and addiction, as well as improved metal and physical health outcomes”.

“This decision represents a red letter day for the Home Stretch Campaign and it National leader, Mr Paul McDonald. Paul and the entire Home Stretch Campaign team must be congratulated for their passion and persistence over the past five years. Young people in state care across the nation are indeed thankful for their monumental efforts” Mr Braithwaite said.